Passion,Purpose and Focus
For me, January 11th is a date to remember. On that day, six years ago, I attended a ‘Passion & Purpose’ event alongside a good friend of mine. We had been going to events at the venue over a period of weeks, to learn about how meditation could benefit our wellbeing. I don’t think either of us could have anticipated how much our lives would change as a result of taking part.
After meditating to clear our minds (it didn’t take me long!) we had to visualise our ‘ideal lives’, focusing on what we’d want if not held back by things like money, work, or location. We let our imaginations run wild and started to create a list of ten things that would constitute our ideal future life.
Now it transpires that ten is quite a lot of things to think up, particularly when your inner voice tells you “you can’t afford that” or “you’re not clever enough”. To hush that inner voice, we were told to keep reciting the phrase; “when my life is ideal I will…”. In doing this, we established that the only limiting beliefs are the ones we create for ourselves.
Working in pairs, we then whittled down the list of ten, to just five. We did this by looking at the first thing on our lists and playing it off against number two. We had to decide that if we could only have one, which would we take forward. The process was repeated until we were left with just five points to focus on.
Some surprising ideas came up. For example, I was adamant that I wanted to breed Standard Wire Hair Dachshunds, despite not owning even one. Now I have five! I also wrote down that I would like to work with people one-to-one, in a holistic capacity. I had no experience of doing so or any qualifications. I wasn’t even sure what form this would take. But that is the point; you don’t need to know the how, you just trust that the universe will deliver.
We created a vision board with our five focus points in mind. We were told to look to this every day, especially at times when we were faced with some sort of dilemma that required a choice to be made. We were instructed to make these decisions based on whether or not it would get us closer to our ideal life.
Fast forward to today and I have now been a qualified Reflexologist for almost five years, working holistically to improve my clients health and wellbeing. I could never have predicted this change in occupation, particularly as it required considerable study and practical examinations to earn my qualifications. In that five years I have studied extensively to improve my knowledge, boost my self confidence, and offer an increasing number of services to my clients.
I’ve written this in the hope that if you’re reading it and you feel like you’re stuck in a rut, you might be motivated by my experience. If you can’t see a way to change your current situation - whether that’s in your career or otherwise - you may want to consider following the same process I did. After all, the only limiting beliefs are the ones we create for ourselves.